Emperor Mollusk versus the Sinister Brain

A. Lee Martinez

This is a great, fun read. It’s set in a universe that is probably best described as fantasy, although it’s set in a 40’s-era science fiction universe.

Emperor Mollusk is from the planet Neptune, which is an ocean planet, obviously. All of the planets have intelligent life on them. Martians are lizard-people, for instance.

Earth appears to be on of the most backward planets. It’s been taken over and ruled by the Emperor Mollusk. Peacefully, as befits a creature with a large brain and a somewhat fragile body. He seeded the clouds with a substance that made everyone on earth love him and want him to rule over them.

But Mollusk also easily bored. At the beginning of this book, he’s stepped down from ruling the earth. In a few years, he’ll stop seeding the clouds. He’s stuck on earth, however, because in pretty much every other planet he’s wanted by the law. In fact, the Martians have sent a very earnest lizard to arrest him and bring him back.

With his arresting lizard tagging along behind, Mollusk starts to investigate a series of attacks and puzzles generated by the Sinister Brain, a disembodied brain in a suit similar to the one Mollusk rides around in out of the water.

Who is the Brain? What does it want? Finding the answers to these questions, and defeating the Sinister Brain’s plans turns out to be a great romp through a fascinating world of pulp science fiction.