Validating Data with Types

This is cross posted at the Scholars’ Lab Blog.

Recently, I had to opportunity to help J. Warren York, a graduate student in the Department of Politics here at UVa. He’s looking at how tax law affects political contributions and advocacy, so this was an interesting project that may tell us something useful about how the US government works [insert your favorite broken-government joke here].

To do this, he needed to download data from a number of different sources in different formats (JSON, YAML, and CSV), pull it all apart, and put some of it back together in a couple of new data files. One of those sources is the Database on Ideology, Money in Politics, and Elections (DIME). The data from them tells how much people and organizations have contributed to various candidates, PAC, and other groups.

And while I’ve seen worse, it wasn’t the cleanest data file out there. (To get an idea of what the data looks like, you can see a sample of 100 rows from this data file in this Google Sheet.)

For most projects that I’m reasonably sure that I’ll be the only developer on, I use Haskell. This is a functional, statically typed programming language with a (partially deserved) reputation for being difficult. However, I find that it gives me a nice balance of safety and flexibility, of power and expressiveness.

Given Haskell’s reputation, the previous sentence probably seems to border on insanity. Hopefully this post will prove this at least partially correct and will highlight some of the nicer aspects of working in Haskell. It leverages types to provide some assurances that the data is well-formed and consistent. This means I can perform data validation quickly and easily, and that helps everyone.

This post is actually runnable Haskell. If you have the GHC compiler installed you can copy and paste this post into a file, say Validating.lhs, and run it from the command line:

$ runhaskell Validating.lhs contribDB_1982.csv

However, to follow this post, you don’t need to know Haskell. I’ll try to explain enough of the concepts and syntax that matter as they come up, so that anyone familiar with computer programming should be able to follow along without getting into the weeds of exactly what’s happening on each line.

So first some pre-amble and boilerplate. This just makes available the libraries that we’ll use.

> {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
> -- If you want more details about the code, including brief
> -- explanations of the syntax, you've come to the right place.
> -- Pay attention to the comments. This still isn't a tutorial
> -- on Haskell, but hopefully you'll have a more detailed
> -- understanding of what's happening.
> -- First, Haskell code is kept in modules. Executable files are
> -- in the `Main` module.
> module Main where
> -- Import statements make the code from these modules available
> -- in this module. Qualified imports make the code available
> -- under an alias (e.g., Data.ByteString.Lazy is aliased to B).
> import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
> import           Data.Csv
> import qualified Data.Text            as T
> import qualified Data.Vector          as V
> import           System.Environment

To validate the data, we just need to follow the same steps that we would to load it. Those steps are:

  1. Define the data that you want to use;
  2. Define how to read it from a row of CSV data; and
  3. Read the input.


That’s it. In fact, the last item is so inconsequential that we’ll skip it. But let’s see how the rest of it works.

Defining the Data

First we need to define the data. We do this using types. If you only know languages like Ruby, JavaScript, or Python, you may be unfamiliar with types. Basically, they specify what your data will look like. For example, they might specify that a Person data instance has a name string field and an age integer field.

If you come from Java or C#, you know what types are, but Haskell uses them very differently. In Haskell, types are used to express, encode, and enforce the requirements of your program as much as possible. The guideline is that invalid program states should not be expressible in the types you define. To help with that, some of the loopholes in Java’s type system have been closed (looking at you, null): this makes these specifications more meaningful. And because Haskell employs type inference, you also don’t need to actually declare the type of every little thing, so you get more benefit for less work.

In short, types are how we specify what data we’re interested in.

At this point in the process, programming in Haskell is a typical data modeling exercise. But it’s also the foundation for the rest of this post, so we’ll linger here.

Before we define the data types, we’ll first define some aliases. These aren’t really enforced, but they make the data types that use these more clear.

> type OrgName = T.Text
> type Year    = Int
> type Amount  = Double

The first data type that we’ll create is Party. This will be similar to enumerations in other languages, but in Haskell they’re just regular data types. A Party can be either a Dem (Democrat), GOP (Republican), Independent, or Unknown.

> -- This statement says that you can make a value of type Party 
> -- using any of the constructors listed (separated by pipes).
> -- In this case, none of the constructors take extra data, so
> -- the semantics comes soley from which constructor is chosen.
> data Party = Dem | GOP | Independent | Unknown

We want to know what kind of entity is receiving the contribution. However, we don’t actually care about who the recipient was: we just want to distinguish between candidates, committees, and state-level elections. We’ll use the ContribEntry data type for this information.

The following declaration states that a ContribEntry can be either a Candidate, which must have year information and party information; a Committee, which must have only a year; or a StateLevel, which must have a year and a state code.

> -- This shows how values are given types. `contribYear ::
> -- !Year`, says that the `contribYear` field must contain
> -- values of type `Year`. The exclamation mark tells the
> -- Haskell compiler to execute this value immediately. Unlike
> -- most other languages, Haskell will normally wait to
> -- evaluate expressions until absolutely necessary.
> data ContribEntry
>         = Candidate  { contribYear :: !Year, contribParty :: !Party }
>         | Committee  { contribYear :: !Year }
>         | StateLevel { contribYear :: !Year, stateCode :: !T.Text }

Each row of the data file will have information about a single contribution made by an individual or organization. Because we’re primarily interested in the data from organizations, this will be collected in an OrgContrib data type. It will hold the organization’s name (orgContribName), its district (orgDistrict10s), the contribution information (orgContribEntry), and the amount of the contribution (orgContribAmount).

> data OrgContrib
>          = OrgContrib
>          { orgContribName   :: !OrgName
>          , orgDistrict10s   :: !T.Text
>          , orgContribEntry  :: !ContribEntry
>          , orgContribAmount :: !Amount
>          }

That’s it. We’ve now defined the data we’re interested in. On top of the guarantees that types allow the programming language to enforce, this exercise is also helpful because it clarifies what we want from the data and helps us better understand the domain that we’re working in.

Data from CSV

However, we haven’t connected this data with the CSV file yet. Let’s do that now.

To make this happen, we’ll need to take the data types that we just defined and define instances of FromField for ones that are populated from a single field, like Party, and FromNamedRecord for others, which are built from an entire row.

FromField and FromNamedRecord are type classes. In object-oriented terms, these are similar to small interfaces, some only declaring one or two methods. Data types can implement the type classes that make sense, but omit the ones that do not.

In this case these type classes define what data types can be read from a row of CSV and how that should happen.

Party is the first data type we’ll tackle. It only reads a single field, so we’ll define FromField. In the CSV file, the data is encoded with numeric codes, which we’ll change into Party values.

> -- This defines a instance of `FromField` for `Party`.
> -- `parseField` is the only method. Multiple listings for this
> -- function, combined with the string literals in place of the
> -- parameter, means that the method acts as a big case
> -- statement on its one parameter. When the function is passed
> -- the string "100", the first definition will be used. The
> -- last clause, with the underscore, is a catch-all, in which
> -- the parameter's value will be ignored.
> instance FromField Party where
>     parseField "100" = return Dem
>     parseField "200" = return GOP
>     parseField "328" = return Independent
>     -- This catch-all is probably a bad idea....
>     parseField _     = return Unknown

Notice my comment on the next to last line. Having a catch-all field like this introduces some code smell, and it weakens the type-safety of the field. A better practice would be to define a Party constructor for every numeric code and throw an error when we find something unexpected. Since we’re only interested here in two parties, that would be overkill, so in this case we’ll be more flexible.

Now we can define how to read ContribEntry data. This is complicated because we have to look at the value of the recipient_type field in order to figure out which constructor to use.

We’ll also define a utility function, defaulting, that defaults empty strings to a given value.

> -- This defines the function defaulting. The first line is the
> -- type value. The definition of `defaulting` is a more
> -- complicated case statement that first tests `T.null v`
> -- (i.e., that it's empty), and `otherwise` is the "else" part
> -- of the statement.
> defaulting :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text
> defaulting d v | T.null v  = d
>                | otherwise = v
> instance FromNamedRecord ContribEntry where
>     parseNamedRecord m = do
>         -- Read the recipient_type field. The `.:` operator
>         -- reads a specific field from the CSV row.
>         rtype <- m .: "recipient_type"
>         -- If recipient_type is empty, give it a default value
>         -- of "CAND", and then branch on that.
>         case defaulting "CAND" rtype of
>             "CAND" -> do
>                 -- Read the cycle (year) and recipient_party fields
>                 cycle <- m .: "cycle"
>                 party <- m .: "recipient_party"
>                 -- Create a Candidate
>                 return (Candidate cycle party)
>             "COMM" -> do
>                 -- Read the cycle and return a Committe
>                 cycle <- m .: "cycle"
>                 return (Committee cycle)
>             r -> do
>                 -- Everything else is a state-level contribution.
>                 -- Get the cycle and return that.
>                 cycle <- m .: "cycle"
>                 return (StateLevel cycle r)

(You might be wondering why I haven’t needed to define a FromField for Year for the “cycle” fields. Remember that Year is just an alias for Int, and the CSV library already defines FromField for the Int type.)

We can finally define the instance for OrgContrib. After the complexity of ContribEntry, this one will be much simpler. We’ll extract the values for a few fields, parse the ContribEntry, and then create and return the OrgContrib value.

> instance FromNamedRecord OrgContrib where
>     parseNamedRecord m = do
>         name     <- m .: "contributor_name"
>         district <- m .: "contributor_district_10s"
>         contrib  <- parseNamedRecord m
>         amount   <- m .: "amount"
>         return (OrgContrib name district contrib amount)

With these in place, we can read the data and have it verified at the same time. For example, if the file reads correctly, I know that the Year data are integers and that Party fields contain valid data.

And that’s really all there is to it. Below the end of the article, I’ve included a function to read the CSV data from a file and the main function, which controls the whole process. However, reading and validating the data has already been taken care of.

Of course, while these types provide reasonable validation, you could get much better, depending on how you define your types and how you parse the incoming data. (For example, you could only allow valid state codes for StateLevel or limit years to a given range.)

If you’re wondering about tests, the implementations of FromField and FromNamedRecord would be good to have tests for. However, the parts of the program’s requirements that are enforced in the types don’t really need testing; for example, I wouldn’t test that party fields will always be parsed as a Party.

Types also come in handy in other circumstances: when you’ve left the code for a while and need to get back into it, they provide a minimum amount of guidance; and when you need to refactor, they act as a base-line set of regression tests, to tell you when you’ve broken something.

Overall, I find that this small program shows how Haskell can provide a lot of power and expressivity for relatively little code.

But the immediate benefit in this case is that I was able to provide John more assurances about his data, and to provide them more quickly. It’s a nice example of leveraging types to write better programs that provide real-world benefits.

The full code for this project is in my popvox-scrape repository. Feel free to check it out.

> readData :: FilePath -> IO (Either String (Header, V.Vector OrgContrib))
> readData filename = do
>     rawData <- B.readFile filename
>     return (decodeByName rawData)
> main :: IO ()
> main = do
>     args <- getArgs
>     case args of
>         [filename] -> do
>             dataRows <- readData filename
>             case dataRows of
>                 Left err -> putStrLn ("ERROR: " ++ err)
>                 Right (_, rows) -> putStrLn (  "SUCCESS: "
>                                             ++ show (V.length rows)
>                                             ++ " read.")
>         _ -> putStrLn "usage: runhaskell Validate.lhs data-file.csv"