Aggregating Semantic Web Data

This is a recipe that I wrote for the Clojure Data Analysis Cookbook. However, it didn’t make it into the final book, so I’m sharing it with you today. If you like this, check out the book.

One of the benefits of linked data is that it is linked. Data in one place points to data in another place, and the two integrate easily. However, although the links are explicit, we still have to bring the data together manually. Let’s see how to do that with Clojure.

Getting ready

We’ll first need to list the dependencies that we’ll need in our Leiningen project.clj file.

:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"]
[incanter/incanter "1.4.1"]
[edu.ucdenver.ccp/kr-sesame-core "1.4.5"]
[org.clojure/tools.logging "0.2.4"]
[org.slf4j/slf4j-simple "1.7.2"]]

And we’ll need to include them in our script or REPL.

(require '( [io :as io]))
(require '(clojure [xml :as xml] 
                   [pprint :as pp]
                   [zip :as zip]))
(use 'incanter.core
(import [ File]
        [ URL URLEncoder])

We’ll also use the currencies.ttl file.

How to do it…

For this, we’ll load data from the currencies.ttl file and from DBPedia into the triple store. Because the triples in one references the triples in the other, the two datasets are automatically merged. Then we can query the triple store and get data from both of the original sources back out.

To make this happen, first we need some functions to set up the plumbing for working with RDF. These will create and initialize the triple store that we’ll need to use.

(defn kb-memstore
  "This creates a Sesame triple store in memory."
  (kb :sesame-mem))
(def tele-ont "")
(defn init-kb
  "This creates an in-memory knowledge base and
  initializes it with a default set of namespaces."
    [["geographis" (str tele-ont 
     ["code" (str tele-ont "measurement/code#")]
     ["money" (str tele-ont "money/money#")]
     ["owl" ""]
     ["rdf" (str ""
     ["xsd" ""]
     ["currency" (str ""
     ["dbpedia" ""]
     ["dbpedia-ont" ""]
     ["dbpedia-prop" ""]
     ["err" ""]]))

And we’ll use the following utilities later on.

(defn rekey
  "This just flips the arguments for 
  clojure.set/rename-keys to make it more
  ([k-map map]
     (select-keys map (keys k-map)) k-map)))
(defn binding-str
  "This takes a binding, pulls out the first tag's 
  content, and concatenates it into a string."
   (apply str (:content (first (:content b))))))
(defn result-seq
  "This takes the first result and returns a sequence 
  of this node, plus all the nodes to the right of it."
   (cons (zip/node first-result)
         (zip/rights first-result))))

These build the SPARQL query and create a URL out of them for querying DBPedia. The last, query-sparql-results gets the results, parses them, and navigates the XML tree to get to the results.

(defn make-query
  "This creates a query that returns all the 
  triples related to a subject URI. It does 
  filter out non-English strings."
  ([subject kb]
   (binding [*kb* kb
             *select-limit* 200]
       (list (list subject '?/p '?/o)
             '(:or (:not (:isLiteral ?/o))
                   (!= (:datatype ?/o) rdf/langString)
                   (= (:lang ?/o) ["en"])))))))
(defn make-query-uri
  "This constructs a URI for the query."
  ([base-uri query]
   (URL. (str base-uri
              (URLEncoder/encode "text/xml")
              "&query=" (URLEncoder/encode query)))))
(defn query-sparql-results
  "This queries a SPARQL endpoint and returns a 
  sequence of result nodes."
  ([sparql-uri subject kb]
     ;; Build the URI query string.
     (make-query subject)
     (make-query-uri sparql-uri)
     ;; Get the results, parse the XML, and
     ;; return the zipper.
     ;; Find the first child.
     ;; Convert all children into a sequence.

We’ll download the data we need from DBPedia and insert it into the triple store alongside the RDF file’s data.

As part of this, we will split all URI strings into prefixes and resources. If each prefix has a namespace abbreviation defined for it in init-kb above, the abbreviation needs to be used, and that and the resource are converted into a symbol together. Otherwise, the URI as a whole is converted into a symbol. What does this look like?

(defn split-symbol
  "This splits a string on an index and returns a symbol
  created by using the first part as the namespace and the
  second as the symbol."
  ([kb string index]
     (if-let [ns-prefix (get (:ns-map-to-short kb)
                             (.substring string 0 index))]
       (symbol ns-prefix (.substring string index))
       (symbol string))))
(defn str-to-ns
  "This maps a URI string to a ns and symbol, given the
  namespaces registered in the KB."
  ([uri-string] (str-to-ns *kb* uri-string))
  ([kb uri-string]
   (let [index-gens
         (list #(.lastIndexOf uri-string (int \#))
               #(.lastIndexOf uri-string (int \/)))]
     (if-let [index
                (filter #(> % -1) 
                        (map (fn [f] (f)) index-gens)))]
       (split-symbol kb uri-string (inc index))
       (symbol uri-string)))))

Next, we’ll need to convert a variety of data types as encoded in the result XML into native Clojure types, the way the triple store interface wants to work with them. For that we’ll use a multimethod.

(def xmls "")
(defmulti from-xml
  (fn [r] [(:tag r) (:datatype (:attrs r))]))
(defmethod from-xml [:uri nil] [r]
  (str-to-ns (apply str (:content r))))
(defmethod from-xml [:literal nil] [r]
  (apply str (:content r)))
(defmethod from-xml [:literal (str xmls 'int)] [r]
  (read-string (apply str (:content r))))
(defmethod from-xml :default [r]
  (apply str (:content r)))

Now we need a function to convert each result node into a vector triple. This will be used by a later function that loads the data from DBPedia into the triple store.

(defn result-to-triple
  "This converts a result node into a triple vector."
  ([iri r]
   (let [{:keys [tag attrs content]} r
         [p o] content]
      (str-to-ns (binding-str p))
      (from-xml (first (:content o)))])))
(defn load-dbpedia
  "This loads data from dbpedia for a specific IRI into a
  ([kb sparql-uri iri]
   (binding [*kb* kb]
       (query-sparql-results sparql-uri iri)
       (map #(result-to-triple iri %))
       (add-statements kb)))))

We’ll define a function to pull the objects of all same-as statements out of an RDF query and load all statements for that URI from DBPedia.

(defn load-same-as
  "This takes the results of a query for owl:sameAs and
  loads the object URIs into the triple store from
  ([kb [_ _ same-as]]
   (load-dbpedia kb "" same-as)

Finally, aggregate-dataset drives the whole thing. It takes the triple store, the datafile, a query to execute on the final results, and a mapping between SPARQL query parameters and keywords for the final result.

(defn aggregate-dataset
  [t-store data-file q col-map]
  (binding [*kb* t-store]
    ;;; Load primary data.
    (load-rdf-file t-store (File. data-file))
    ;;; Load associated data.
    (reduce load-same-as
            (query-rdf t-store nil 'owl/sameAs nil))
    ;;; Query 
    (to-dataset (map (partial rekey col-map)
                     (query t-store q)))))

Now let’s use all this to create the dataset. We’ll bind the parameters to names so we can refer to them more easily and then use them to call aggregate-dataset.

(def data-file
(def col-map {'?/name :fullname
              '?/iso :iso
              '?/shortName :name
              '?/symbol :symbol
              '?/country :country
              '?/minorName :minor-name
              '?/minorExponent :minor-exp
              '?/peggedWith :pegged-with
              '?/usedBanknotes :used-banknotes
              '?/usedCoins :used-coins})
(def q '[[?/c rdf/type money/Currency]
         [?/c owl/sameAs ?/d]
         [?/c money/name ?/name]
         [?/c money/shortName ?/shortName]
         [?/c money/isoAlpha ?/iso]
         [?/c money/minorName ?/minorName]
         [?/c money/minorExponent ?/minorExponent]
          [[?/d dbpedia-prop/symbol ?/symbol]]]
          [[?/d dbpedia-ont/usingCountry ?/country]]]
          [[?/d dbpedia-prop/peggedWith ?/peggedWith]]]
          [[?/d dbpedia-prop/usedBanknotes
          [[?/d dbpedia-prop/usedCoins ?/usedCoins]]]])

Let’s put it all together.

user=> (aggregate-dataset (init-kb (kb-memstore))
data-file q col-map)
[:used-coins :symbol :pegged-with :country :name :minor-exp :iso :minor-name :used-banknotes :fullname]
[2550 "د.إ" "U.S. dollar = 3.6725 dirhams" dbpedia/United_Arab_Emirates "dirham" "2" "AED" "fils" 9223372036854775807 "United Arab Emirates dirham"]
[1 "Af  or Afs" nil dbpedia/United_States_dollar "afghani" "2" "AFN" "pul" 1 "Afghan afghani"]
[nil dbpedia/Albanian_lek nil dbpedia/Albania "lek" "2" "ALL" "qindarkë" nil "Albanian lek"]
[102050100200500 nil nil dbpedia/Armenia "dram" "0" "AMD" "luma" 9223372036854775807 "Armenian dram"]

How it works…

Linked data is, well, linked. Basically, we took all the data we’re interested in and dumped it into one big database. We used the links in the data itself to drive this by following same-as relationships already encoded in the data. We just used our query to pull it all together.

As an aside, notice the multimethod from-xml that dispatches on the result node’s tag name and its datatype attribute. Currently, this handles strings, integers, and URIs. They are sufficient for this dataset. If we need more, though, we can add them easily.

Also, in the query, all the phrases that are pulled in from DBPedia are marked :optional. We don’t want the overall query to fail because any of them are missing, and we can’t mark them all optional as a group because we don’t want the optional phrases as a whole to fail if any one is missing.

This post is a literate programming file. Click on the raw link below—and the project.clj file linked to above—to download a version of this post that you can load directly into a Clojure REPL.