
This defines the types for the tokenizers. Especially, this defines the Token and TokenType data types.

module Text.Bakers12.Tokenizer.Types
    ( Token(..)
    , TokenType(..)
    , empty
    , isReadable
    , append
    , concat
    , splitAt
    ) where

import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Text as T
import           Prelude hiding (concat, splitAt)

This contains data from one token instance.

data Token = Token
    { tokenText   :: T.Text         -- ^ The normalized token text.
    , tokenRaw    :: T.Text         -- ^ The raw token text.
    , tokenLength :: Int            -- ^ The length of the raw token.
    , tokenType   :: TokenType      -- ^ The type of data contained in the token.
    , tokenSource :: FilePath       -- ^ The source (sometimes a file) that the token was found in.
    , tokenOffset :: Integer        -- ^ The character offset of the start of the token in the source (zero-indexed).
    deriving (Eq, Show)

This has the types of information that a token can contain.

data TokenType =
      AlphaToken                    -- ^ Unicode alphabetic characters.
    | NumberToken                   -- ^ Unicode numeric characters.
    | SeparatorToken                -- ^ Unicode space or Unicode separator character.
    | PunctuationToken              -- ^ One Unicode punctuation character.
    | SymbolToken                   -- ^ One Unicode symbol character.
    | MarkToken                     -- ^ One Unicode mark character.
    | UnknownToken                  -- ^ None of the categories above.
    deriving (Eq, Show)

This is an empty token.

empty :: Token
empty = Token T.empty T.empty 0 UnknownToken "" 0

This tests whether a token is "readable." I.e., whether its type is AlphaToken or NumberToken.

isReadable :: Token -> Bool
isReadable token = tType == AlphaToken || tType == NumberToken
    where tType = tokenType token

This takes two tokens (presumably right next to each other in the input stream, although this doesn't verify that) and concatenates them by concatenating their text and raw data and their lengths.

append :: Token -> Token -> Token
append a b =
    a { tokenText   = T.append (tokenText a) (tokenText b)
      , tokenRaw    = T.append (tokenRaw a) (tokenRaw b)
      , tokenLength = tokenLength a + tokenLength b

This takes a list of tokens and appends them. Like append above, it assumes that the tokens occur right next to each other.

The implementation of this could use fold, but I thought that using T.concat and not constructing any intermediate Tokens would be faster.

concat :: [Token] -> Token
concat []       = empty
concat [t]      = t
concat [t1, t2] = append t1 t2
concat ts@(a:_) =
    a { tokenText   = T.concat texts
      , tokenRaw    = T.concat raws
      , tokenLength = sum lengths

Another small optimization, so we don't have to walk the input list more than once. If these operations can be fused, that would be best, but even just walking the list twice is better than walking it three times. (Best would be to write unzipWith3 or something, which would insure that the list was only walked twice. Someday.)

        (texts, raws, lengths) = L.unzip3 . map getFields $ ts
        getFields t = (tokenText t, tokenRaw t, tokenLength t)

This splits a token on position N in the tokenText. This copies the raw token, unchanged, into each of the resulting tokens. However, the offset of the second token is moved up and the length of the tokens reflects the length of the split token texts.

splitAt :: Int -> Token -> (Token, Token)
splitAt n token = (t1, t2)
    where (text1, text2) = T.splitAt n $ tokenText token
          t1 = token { tokenText   = text1
                     , tokenLength = T.length text1
          t2 = token { tokenText   = text2
                     , tokenOffset = tokenOffset token + fromIntegral (T.length text1)
                     , tokenLength = T.length text2